Main » SPA-programs » SPA ritual for feet with sea salt and eucalyptus. 45 min.

SPA ritual for feet with sea salt and eucalyptus. 45 min.

Original price was: 4600 ₽.Current price is: 3300 ₽.

Our salon offers to try the subtleties of a unique spa ritual for feet. You will not leave without positive emotions!
During the procedure the guest is offered:
a bath with mineral water to soften surface tissues;
peeling with sea salt: an effective manipulation that allows to remove all keratinized particles and impurities, as well as to prepare the skin on the feet for better absorption of nutrients at subsequent stages;
moisturizing mask, which will make the skin soft, saturate them with moisture, which will significantly improve the appearance of the extremities;
foot massage with eucalyptus oil in a unique traditional technique.

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